What a great first official week at Girl Friday!
Everyone loved the food that they bought and that makes me very happy. I also committed to catering two parties this month; one of my favorites, over at Wayfarer Crossfit, for their box Christmas party, and an intimate luncheon that I get to cook for and attend. Very excited!
This week I am cooking dinner for a great family that actually had a hand in the inspiration of creating Girl Friday. When I wanted to offer “in-home” cooking for busy families, they were the family that I was thinking about. It doesn’t hurt that they are some of the sweetest people ever and they have an AMAZING kitchen that I can’t wait to get dirty! I’ll be making them Grilled Beef Tenderloins with sauteed mushrooms and truffle butter, Crispy sweet potatoes and roasted asparagus – so good it will make you want to slap someone.
Do you wanna know what’s on the menu this week? I think you should. It’s a good one.
Breakfast: Mini Egg Frittatas wrapped in Prosciutto. This base is from Nom-Nom Paleo’s recipe. Each little cupcake wrapped in Prosciutto is loaded with organic free-rangeeggs power greens, mushrooms and cherry tomatoes. These are served with a very simple salad with toasted walnuts and a nice balsamic vinaigrette. One of my favorites for breakfast.
1 order is 2 frittatas and side salad= 5.50
Lunch: It’s winter so naturally I have to make some soup. This is a veggie packed minestrone soup. I will have a paleo version and a non-paleo version. The soup has bacon. carrots, celery, leeks, zucchini, yellow squash, sweet potato, kale & spinach, plum tomatoes and fresh basil. The non-paleo version will have pasta and beans. Also amazing with some parmesan sprinkled on top.
1 order is 12 0z soup. 5.70 for paleo and 6.00 for non-paleo.
Dinner: Chillied Flank Steak with crispy asparagus and a veggie packed salad. The flanks have been marinating since last night. They will be nice and flavorful when I grill them off tomorrow morning. I’m sure your curious about this marinade. It’s a blend of coconut aminos, organic veggie juice, lots of garlic, chilli and cumin and coconut sugar. The flanks are served with crispy asparagus and a nice veggie packed salad.
I order contains 6oz of flank steak, a nice handful of crispy asparagus and a nice big salad= 8.50
If you’re interested in any of these meals, please email, call or text your order. All orders will be complete by tomorrow evening and will be available for pick up deliver tomorrow night.
Thank you all so much and yes, I do think it is the most wonderful time of the year.
Sounds wonderful Gretchen! I’ll text ya.