The big day is coming. Are you prepared? I’m not. We decided to go to my Dad’s this year. That’s a big stretch for us since my step-mother doesn’t cook well. I said it. She doesn’t. It’s not her thing. This year, I had to look at the big picture. My dad is aging and who knows if he’ll be around next year. Do I want to deny myself & my children that memory because my step-mother can’t cook? Nope. It’s important but not that important. I must admit, she had to agree to certain terms. I am to make the mashed potatoes, gravy and stuffing. Not only that, we’re gong to cook it together! I get so sentimental during Thanksgiving. It’s when I miss my grandmother the most. She was the best at Thanksgiving and she made the most perfect stuffing on earth and it was made with only a handful of ingredients. So what’s the moral of this story? There is none. Just enjoy your families this holiday. Get your Aunt drunk and take a nap with your slippers on!
Since things are getting busier around here, we’re changing our menu ordering times. Beginning next week, 11/23, the MENU will be released Monday morning and will stay up until Thursday night at midnight. Of course, we will hold your hand and make sure you are aware. In fact, we’ll probably annoy most of you with our posts and occasional texts. Delivery and pickup procedures and times remain the same.
GIFT CERTIFICATES are available. They can be emailed or we can print them out. Contact us if you have any questions.
Cheers! Order up!
I’m curious. I saw your recipe for chili in the post gazette. How can you use corn chips when corn is a grain? I am not a paleo expert, I actually started on whole 30 but have maintained for the last year. Corn is not included since it is a grain. Thanks.
Hi there. I am fully aware that corn is not acceptable on the paleo diet. I did not write the article so it’s possible the writer got her information wrong. However, I am not opposed to corn chips with the chili. It’s very delicious. At Girl Friday, we believe in balance. Some people can tolerate corn. Some can tolerate dairy. It just depends on your body. Thanks for pointing it out though!